Penny – Week 30

It ain't all sweetness and light.

It ain’t all sweetness and light.

Just in case you thought I was a super-cute happy smiling baby all the time, Mum thought she would keep it real by posting this photo of me. It is apt. I am incredibly clingy and don’t like being put down on the ground, or on my change table, or in my cot, or in my chair. I’m also getting really, really upset when I am playing with something awesome like a lovely crunchy packet of wipes and then it gets taken away from me. These are basically the worst things to have ever happened in my tiny life. The humanity. SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN. 

The parental units try to feed me three solid meals a day but I’m not so keen on eating any more. It used to be fun but now I just want to put my hands in the bowl and clamp my mouth shut when a spoon comes anywhere near me. I still like finger food a lot but that is mostly about making a mess, not eating. Also I have learnt to bang my hand on things and I highly recommend you give this a go because not only is it fun, but it’s noisy too!

Because I can crawl on my belly now, I am hearing the word ‘no’ a lot. I have figured out that if I go near the totally rad stuff like the power cords or the guitar stand, Mum and Dad don’t like that, and I’m not supposed to go near them. They tell me that everything else in the room is okay but pffft, everything else in the room is boring. So, I go to play with the power cords anyway when I think they’re not looking. They always catch me. I got stuck under the TV cabinet one time when Mum was on the phone which was a bit upsetting. But it was worth it.

The one thing that happened this week that I LOVED was when I went into the GIANT BATH. I had to wear a special suit and there were lots of other kids there and little water fountains and Mum and Dad got in with me and we played and splashed and IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER.


Penny – Week 29

I love my rat. His name is Rattus.

I love my rat. His name is Rattus.

Dudes I have got this forward movement thing figured out. I spend most of my day scooching around on my belly, dragging myself forward with my hands and giving my knees and toes a workout. It’s a sort of warped commando-style crawl I’ve got going on. It means I’m not stuck doing 360s on my mat any more and the lounge room is my playground! Cables! Records! The coffee table! Shoes! Doors! Skirting boards! Bugs crawling across the floor! Anything except my toys! Woo hooooooo!

Nights aren’t so fun. Dad is still getting up sometimes, and that’s okay, sometimes, because I like him, but he does not have milk, which is inconsiderate at best. But I cry a lot. And sometimes during the day too, if Mum decides to put me down for anywhere longer than five seconds. Why would she do that? She can’t just put me down and then face the other way, or take two steps in the other direction, or do anything without me there, right? RIGHT?