Penny – Week 23

penny wk23


Now that I have figured out how to roll onto my belly, being on my back is super boring. The best thing I discovered this week is how to blow raspberries. In fact I want to do it all day long. And even at night time when I’m supposed to be asleep. My depth-perception has definitely kicked in because I’m still obsessed with my bird mobile and often it has been the only thing that will shut me up when I am having a cranky fit (and I’ve had a few this week). Toys flying towards my face at speed are totally hilarious. So is Dad springing up from behind the changing table. It’s like, where did he come from? He was there, then he wasn’t, then he was there again – that guy must be magic or something. I love being Penny-rocket too and setting off into orbit, flying around the room, then floating in outer space before re-entering the earth’s atmosphere with a shudder and a crash (well, a gentle shudder and crash).

Penny – Week 15

My cossack dancing really took off this week.

My cossack dancing really took off this week.

Remember how I was telling you about that thing where the parents put me to bed and I’m still awake and how outrageous that is? Yeah well, Mum’s been doing it in the daytime now too, but with a little less ceremony. Dude, I can see the sun is still up. Yes, I know I’m really tired and have been rubbing my eyes and making noises for the last half hour but what has that got to do with anything? Anyway. I’ve quickly learned that the same rules apply. So I sleep. Sometimes. Sometimes I just kick and whinge and wail. In fact, I have been cranky in general this week. Everyone and everything is so annoying! Oh, except that I saw that baby in the mirror again, and she was being pretty funny, so I laughed at her. Dad has been doing some very silly dancing lately so I’ve laughed at that too.

I used to just be concerned with the milk when I was feeding, but it has come to my attention that other stuff keeps happening around me, and that is way more interesting. Like sometimes in the middle of my meal I’ll hear a noise, or see a shadow, so I have to pull off and turn around to see what that’s about. Mum seems to get a bit irritated by this but I can’t imagine why. Sometimes when I’m feeding I will try to have a chat with her about it. She tells me not to talk with my mouth full.